type ConnectEventSuccess = {
event: "connect";
id: number; // increasing event counter
payload: {
items: ConnectItemReply[];
device: DeviceInfo;
type DeviceInfo = {
platform: "iphone" | "ipad" | "android" | "windows" | "mac" | "linux";
appName: string; // e.g. "Tonkeeper"
appVersion: string; // e.g. "2.3.367"
maxProtocolVersion: number;
features: Feature[]; // list of supported features and methods in RPC
// Currently there is only one feature -- 'SendTransaction';
type Feature = { name: "SendTransaction"; maxMessages: number }; // maxMessages is maximum number of messages in one SendTransaction that the wallet support
type ConnectItemReply = TonAddressItemReply | TonProofItemReply;
// Untrusted data returned by the wallet.
// If you need a guarantee that the user owns this address and public key, you need to additionally request a ton_proof.
type TonAddressItemReply = {
name: "ton_addr";
address: string; // TON address raw (0:<hex>)
network: NETWORK; // network global_id
publicKey: string; // HEX string without 0x
walletStateInit: string; // Base64 (not url safe) encoded stateinit cell for the wallet contract
type TonProofItemReply = TonProofItemReplySuccess | TonProofItemReplyError;
type TonProofItemReplySuccess = {
name: "ton_proof";
proof: {
timestamp: number; // 64-bit unix epoch time of the signing operation (seconds)
domain: {
lengthBytes: number; // AppDomain Length
value: string; // app domain name (as url part, without encoding)
signature: string; // base64-encoded signature
payload: string; // payload from the request
type TonProofItemReplyError = {
name: "ton_addr";
error: {
code: ConnectItemErrorCode;
message?: string;